在临颍等地区,都构建了全面的区域性战略布局,加强发展的系统性、市场前瞻性、产品创新能力,以专注、极致的服务理念,为客户提供成都网站设计、成都网站建设 网站设计制作定制网站建设,公司网站建设,企业网站建设,成都品牌网站建设,营销型网站建设,外贸营销网站建设,临颍网站建设费用合理。
Dim MyString As String
Dim EveryStr(50) As String
Dim TargetStr As String
Private Sub Command1_Click()
MyString = Text1
For i = 1 To Len(MyString)
EveryStr(i) = Right(Left(MyString, i), 1)
If Asc(EveryStr(i)) 123 And Asc(EveryStr(i)) 96 Then EveryStr(i) = \"_\"
If Asc(EveryStr(i)) 91 And Asc(EveryStr(i)) 64 Then EveryStr(i) = \"_\"
TargetStr = TargetStr EveryStr(i)
Next i
Text2 = TargetStr
TargetStr = \"\"
End Sub
Option Explicit
' Name : MMedia.cls
' Author : Peter Wright, For BG2VB4 BG2VB5
' Notes : A multimedia class, which when turned
' : into an object lets you load and play
' : multimedia files, such as sound and
' : video.
' -=-=-=- PROPERTIES -=-=-=-
' Filename Determines the name of the current file
' Length The length of the file (Read Only)
' Position The current position through the file
' Status The current status of the object (Read Only)
' Wait True/False...tells VB to wait until play done
' -=-=-=- METHODS -=-=-=-=-
' mmOpen Filename Opens the requested filename
' mmClose Closes the current file
' mmPause Pauses playback of the current file
' mmStop Stops playback ready for closedown
' mmSeek Position Seeks to a position in the file
' mmPlay Plays the open file
' -----
' Open a file, then play it. Pause it in response to a request
' from the user. Stop if you intend to seek to the start and
' play again. Close when you no longer want to play the file
Private sAlias As String ' Used internally to give an alias name to
' the multimedia resource
Private sFilename As String ' Holds the filename internally
Private nLength As Single ' Holds the length of the filename
' internally
Private nPosition As Single ' Holds the current position internally
Private sStatus As String ' Holds the current status as a string
Private bWait As Boolean ' Determines if VB should wait until play
' is complete before returning.
'------------ API DECLARATIONS -------------
'note that this is all one code line:
Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" _
Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, _
ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, _
ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long
Public Sub mmOpen(ByVal sTheFile As String)
' Declare a variable to hold the value returned by mciSendString
Dim nReturn As Long
' Declare a string variable to hold the file type
Dim sType As String
' Opens the specified multimedia file, and closes any
' other that may be open
If sAlias "" Then
End If
' Determine the type of file from the file extension
Select Case UCase$(Right$(sTheFile, 3))
Case "WAV"
sType = "Waveaudio"
Case "AVI"
sType = "AviVideo"
Case "MID"
sType = "Sequencer"
Case Else
' If the file extension is not known then exit the subroutine
Exit Sub
End Select
sAlias = Right$(sTheFile, 3) Minute(Now)
' At this point there is no file open, and we have determined the
' file type. Now would be a good time to open the new file.
' Note: if the name contains a space we have to enclose it in quotes
If InStr(sTheFile, " ") Then sTheFile = Chr(34) sTheFile Chr(34)
nReturn = mciSendString("Open " sTheFile " ALIAS " sAlias _
" TYPE " sType " wait", "", 0, 0)
End Sub
Public Sub mmClose()
' Closes the currently opened multimedia file
' Declare a variable to hold the return value from the mciSendString
' command
Dim nReturn As Long
' If there is no file currently open then exit the subroutine
If sAlias = "" Then Exit Sub
nReturn = mciSendString("Close " sAlias, "", 0, 0)
sAlias = ""
sFilename = ""
End Sub
Public Sub mmPause()
' Pause playback of the file
' Declare a variable to hold the return value from the mciSendString
' command
Dim nReturn As Long
' If there is no file currently open then exit the subroutine
If sAlias = "" Then Exit Sub
nReturn = mciSendString("Pause " sAlias, "", 0, 0)
End Sub
Public Sub mmPlay()
' Plays the currently open file, from the current position
' Declare a variable to hold the return value from the mciSendString
' command
Dim nReturn As Long
' If there is no file currently open, then exit the routine
If sAlias = "" Then Exit Sub
' Now play the file
If bWait Then
nReturn = mciSendString("Play " sAlias " wait", "", 0, 0)
nReturn = mciSendString("Play " sAlias, "", 0, 0)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub mmStop()
' Stop using a file totally, be it playing or whatever
' Declare a variable to hold the return value from mciSendString
Dim nReturn As Long
' If there is no file currently open then exit the subroutine
If sAlias = "" Then Exit Sub
nReturn = mciSendString("Stop " sAlias, "", 0, 0)
End Sub
Public Sub mmSeek(ByVal nPosition As Single)
' Seeks to a specific position within the file
' Declare a variable to hold the return value from the mciSendString
' function
Dim nReturn As Long
nReturn = mciSendString("Seek " sAlias " to " nPosition, "", 0, 0)
End Sub
Property Get Filename() As String
' Routine to return a value when the programmer asks the
' object for the value of its Filename property
Filename = sFilename
End Property
Property Let Filename(ByVal sTheFile As String)
' Routine to set the value of the filename property, should the programmer
' wish to do so. This implies that the programmer actually wants to open
' a file as well so control is passed to the mmOpen routine
mmOpen sTheFile
End Property
Property Get Wait() As Boolean
' Routine to return the value of the object's wait property.
Wait = bWait
End Property
Property Let Wait(bWaitValue As Boolean)
' Routine to set the value of the object's wait property
bWait = bWaitValue
End Property
Property Get Length() As Single
' Routine to return the length of the currently opened multimedia file
' Declare a variable to hold the return value from the mciSendString
Dim nReturn As Long, nLength As Integer
' Declare a string to hold the returned length from the mci Status call
Dim sLength As String * 255
' If there is no file open then return 0
If sAlias = "" Then
Length = 0
Exit Property
End If
nReturn = mciSendString("Status " sAlias " length", sLength, 255, 0)
nLength = InStr(sLength, Chr$(0))
Length = Val(Left$(sLength, nLength - 1))
End Property
Property Let Position(ByVal nPosition As Single)
' Sets the Position property effectively by seeking
mmSeek nPosition
End Property
Property Get Position() As Single
' Returns the current position in the file
' Declare a variable to hold the return value from mciSendString
Dim nReturn As Integer, nLength As Integer
' Declare a variable to hold the position returned
' by the mci Status position command
Dim sPosition As String * 255
' If there is no file currently opened then exit the subroutine
If sAlias = "" Then Exit Property
' Get the position and return
nReturn = mciSendString("Status " sAlias " position", sPosition, 255, 0)
nLength = InStr(sPosition, Chr$(0))
Position = Val(Left$(sPosition, nLength - 1))
End Property
Property Get Status() As String
' Returns the playback/record status of the current file
' Declare a variable to hold the return value from mciSendString
Dim nReturn As Integer, nLength As Integer
' Declare a variable to hold the return string from mciSendString
Dim sStatus As String * 255
' If there is no file currently opened, then exit the subroutine
If sAlias = "" Then Exit Property
nReturn = mciSendString("Status " sAlias " mode", sStatus, 255, 0)
nLength = InStr(sStatus, Chr$(0))
Status = Left$(sStatus, nLength - 1)
End Property
Dim m As New Mmedia
Dim fn
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo r
fn = dlg.Filename
m.mmOpen fn
If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
On Error GoTo rp
If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
On Error GoTo rap
If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
On Error GoTo racp
If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
1 新建安装部署项目
2 安装向导
3 开始制作
双击"应用程序文件夹"在右边的空白处右击,选择添加-文件,将你的做的应用程序的可执行文件和相应的类库和组件添加进来。然后右击你的文件,创建快捷方式,然后把快捷方式分别复制或剪切到左边的"用户的'程序'菜单"和"用户桌面"中。这样安装程序安装完成后会在 "开始-所有程序"和"桌面"上生成程序的快捷方式。也可以直接在"用户的'程序'菜单"和"用户桌面"相应目录下新建快捷方式,然后定位到你的文件。
然后右击左边的"应用程序文件夹"打开属性对话框:将属性中的"DefaultLocation"的路径中的"[Manufacturer]"去掉,不然的话做好的安装程序默认安装目录会是"C:\Program Files\你的用户名\安装解决方案名称";
然后打开解决方案管理器,右击你的解决方案名称,选择属性:打开的属性页中,选择"系统必备", 在打开的系统必备页中,在"指定系统必备安装组件的位置"中选中如下选择项:从与我的应用程序相同的位置下载系统必备组件。选上以后,在生成的安装文件包中包含.NetFramework组件 。好了,这样就完成99%了,然后点击"生成-生成解决方案",生成成功!
/// summary
/// 功能是做安装项目主项目输出
/// 实现安装过程中的一些操作
/// 如:安装完成后启动项目
/// /summary
public partial class Installer : Installer
/// summary
/// 应用程序入口
/// /summary
public static void Main()
/// summary
/// 构造函数
/// /summary
public ECSuitsInstaller()
/// summary
/// 重写安装完成后函数
/// 实现安装完成后自动启动已安装的程序
/// /summary
/// param name="savedState"/param
protected override void OnAfterInstall(IDictionary savedState)
Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string path = asm.Location.Remove(asm.Location.LastIndexOf("\\")) + "\\";
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path + "\\ECSuits.exe");
/// summary
/// 重写安装过程方法
/// /summary
/// param name="stateSaver"/param
public override void Install(IDictionary stateSaver)
/// summary
/// 重写安装之前方法
/// /summary
/// param name="savedState"/param
protected override void OnBeforeInstall(IDictionary savedState)
/// summary
/// 重写卸载方法
/// /summary
/// param name="savedState"/param
public override void Uninstall(IDictionary savedState)
/// summary
/// 重写回滚方法
/// /summary
/// param name="savedState"/param
public override void Rollback(IDictionary savedState)