目标在 Linux 系统下安装 Oracle;利用 SharePlex 实现数据同步;可复制 DML 和 DDL 操作
源端 | 目标端 | |
操作系统 | linux 7.6 | linux 7.6 |
IP | | |
数据库版本 | | |
create tablespace splex_tbs datafile '/oradata/datafile/splex_tbs01.dbf' size 1G;
alter database add supplemental log data (primary key, unique index) columns;
node1-orcl[oracle]/home/oracle>./SharePlex-9.2.1-b39-ONEOFF-rhel-amd64-m64.tpm Unpacking .................................................................. .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... ................................ SharePlex installation program: SharePlex Version: 9.2.1 Build platform: rhel-amd64 Target platform: lin-amd64 Please enter the product directory location? /home/oracle/splex/soft Please enter the variable data directory location? /home/oracle/splex/data Please specify the SharePlex Admin group (select a number): 1. [oinstall] 2. dgdba 3. kmdba 4. backupdba 5. dba 6. oper ? 5 Please enter the TCP/IP port number for SharePlex communications? [2100] Preparing to install SharePlex v.9.2.1: User: oracle Admin Group: dba Product Directory: /home/oracle/splex/soft Variable Data Directory: /home/oracle/splex/data Proceed with installation? [yes] Installing ................................................................ ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ............................... Setting file ownerships ................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ............................................ Setting file permissions .................................................. ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ............................................. Do you have a valid SharePlex v. 9.2.1 license? [yes] Please enter the License key? 序列号 Please enter the customer name associated with this license key? CHINA MINISTRY OF RAILWAY SharePlex v. 9.2.1 license validation successful: Customer Name: CHINA MINISTRY OF RAILWAY License Key: 序列号 Product Name: SharePlex for Oracle - RAC License Key Type: "Perpetual Key" NOTE: You can upgrade this license key or add license keys for additional machines by executing utility /home/oracle/splex/soft/install/splex_add_key. Installation log saved to: /home/oracle/.shareplex/INSTALL-SharePlex-9.2.1-1911290513.log SharePlex v.9.2.1 installation successful.
node1-orcl[oracle]/home/oracle/splex/soft/bin>./ora_setup Welcome to the Oracle SharePlex setup process for port 2100. This process creates tables and user accounts needed to run Oracle SharePlex replication. Will the SharePlex install be using a BEQUEATH connection? (Entering 'n' implies a SQL*net connection) [y] : Please note the following: ** In response to prompts, a carriage return will choose the default given in brackets. If there is no default, a reply must be entered. ** To exit the program while the program is waiting for input, use the CTRL-C key sequence. This sequences can be entered by holding down the CONTROL key and pressing the C key. Enter the Oracle SID for which SharePlex should be installed [orcl] : In order to create the SharePlex tables and user account, we must connect to the database as a DBA user Enter a DBA user for orcl : system Enter password for the DBA account, which will not echo : connecting--This may take a few seconds. validating user name and password. . . This may take a few seconds. SharePlex objects will need to be created under a special account. You can pick an existing user or create a new one. Would you like to create a new SharePlex user ? [y] : Enter username for new user [splex/splex] : Warning: This user is now being granted unlimited tablespace. This privilege will remain in effect until it is explicitly changed. Granting select on sys.user$ to splex SPLEX_ROLE_BOTH already exists; continuing setup . . . Do you want to enable replication of tables with TDE? [n] : To enable replication of tables with TDE in the future, please rerun ora_setup. Setup will now install SharePlex objects. These are the existing tablespaces. SYSTEM SYSAUX UNDOTBS1 TEMP USERS SPLEX_TBS Enter the default tablespace for use by SharePlex [USERS] : SPLEX_TBS Enter the temporary tablespace for use by SharePlex [TEMP] : Enter the index tablespace for use by SharePlex [ ] : SPLEX_TBS Creating SharePlex objects [Installation type: Fresh]. . . Creating SharePlex Oracle-timezone-region map . . . Done. Creating Conflict Resolution Package . . . Done. Creating SharePlex Dataequator package . . . Loading Compare Package from "/home/oracle/splex/soft/util/sp_deq_pkg.plb"...Done. Note: The SharePlex object that supports replication of SDO_GEOMETRY cannot be installed because the Oracle Spatial and Graph feature is not installed. Do you want to continue with the setup without support for SDO_GEOMETRY? [n] : y Will the current setup for sid: [orcl] be used as source (including cases as source for failover or master-master setups)? [y] : Setup of SharePlex objects successful . . . Changing SharePlex connection database . . . Setup of orcl completed successfully -- The datasource identifier in the SharePlex configuration is 'o.orcl' --
sp_cop -u 2300 & 启动
可以使用该参数指定 shareplex 启动到指定的 IP 上,可以使用 netstat -an | grep
启动 -u可以启动shareplex实例到指定端口,可以复制多个库。
node1-orcl[oracle]/home/oracle/splex/soft/bin>./sp_cop & [1] 2672 node1-orcl[oracle]/home/oracle/splex/soft/bin> ******************************************************* * SharePlex for Oracle Startup * Copyright 2018 Quest Software Inc. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * Protected by U.S. Patents: 7,461,103 and 7,065,538 * Version: * VarDir : /home/oracle/splex/data * Port : 2100 * * IMPORTANT SECURITY NOTICE: * * YOU HAVE NOT YET SELECTED THE NETWORK SECURITY MODEL. * PLEASE RUN: * * sp_security --setup * * TO SELECT YOUR NETWORK SECURITY MODEL. *******************************************************
node1-orcl[oracle]/home/oracle/splex/soft/bin>./sp_ctrl ******************************************************* * SharePlex Command Utility * Copyright 2018 Quest Software Inc. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * Protected by U.S. Patents: 7,461,103 and 7,065,538 ******************************************************* sp_ctrl (node1:2100)> status Brief Status for node1 Process State PID Running Since --------------- ------------------------------ -------- -------------------- Cop Running 2672 29-Nov-19 05:18:20 Cmd & Ctrl Running 2696 29-Nov-19 05:18:34 There are no active configuration files
sp_ctrl (node2:2100)> stop post
config 配置文件
sp_ctrl (node1:2100)> list config # 列出config文件 File Name State Datasource -------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------- ORA_config Inactive o.SOURCE_SID Last Modified At: 26-Nov-19 09:13 Size: 151
sp_ctrl (node1:2100)> copy config ORA_config to test_config # 复制config文件 sp_ctrl (node1:2100)> edit config test_config # 修改config文件 datasource:o.orcl #source tables target tables routing map #splex.demo_src splex.demo_dest target_system:进程名@o.target_sid expand hr.% hr.%
splex.demo_src --源库的用户名.表名,可以使用%通配符,全匹配半匹配等。priv%not(table_name)排除表。
splex.demo_dest --目标库的用户名.表名
target_system@o.target_sid --目标库的IP或hosts文件中映射名@为目标端的sid或别名。
hr.test hr.test --IP或主机名后加冒号,可以为该表复制单独起一个队列。
mary.cust2!key(c1,c2) mary.cust2 proda@o.sid --自定义pk
config 生效
sp_ctrl (node1:2100)> activate config test_config
sp_ctrl (node1:2100)> show Process Source Target State PID ---------- ------------------------------------ ---------------------- -------------------- ------ Capture o.orcl Running 60407 Read o.orcl Running 60423 Export node1 node2 Running 60438 sp_ctrl (node1:2100)> show capture detail Host: node1 System time: 28-Nov-19 10:17:58 Operations Source Status Captured Since ---------- --------------- ---------- ------------------ o.orcl Running 0 28-Nov-19 09:34:52 Oracle current redo log : 25 Capture current redo log : 25 Capture log offset : 10206852 Last change processed: Operation on SHAREPLEX internal table at 11/28/19 10:17:55 Capture state : Processing Activation id : 2 Error count : 0 Operations captured : 0 Transactions captured : 0 Concurrent sessions : 0 HWM concurrent sessions : 2 Checkpoints performed : 23 Total operations processed : 3948 Total transactions completed : 3948 Total Kbytes read : 0 Redo records in progress : 0 Redo records processed : 18556 Redo records ignored : 14608 Redo records - last HRID : N/A sp_ctrl (node1:2100)> show export Host : node1 Queue : node1 Kbytes Target Status Exported Since Total Backlog ---------- --------------- ------------ ------------------ ---------- ---------- node2 Running 12 28-Nov-19 09:34:56 0 0 sp_ctrl (node1:2100)>
sp_ctrl (node2:2100)> reconcile queue splex_hr for o.orcl-o.orcl scn 1573836
sp_ctrl (node2:2100)> start post