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1.ogg 如何跳过事务

2.logdump 在事务寻找中的关键作用


复制进程 abended

GGSCI (ORALTDB.eastmoney.com.sh) 12>   info all


Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt


MANAGER     RUNNING                                          

REPLICAT    ABENDED     REP_MI01    00:00:00      00:00:25



如果要使用 logdump 的话,需要知道进程正在处理的文件,如何获取这个文件呢?


1. 操作系统上最后一个 trail 文件一定是 abended 时正在处理的文件

2. 通过命令查看 info < 进程名 >,detail

对于复制进程来说,操作系统最后一个文件不一定是 replicat 进程正在处理的文件了:

1.info < 进程名 >

2.info < 进程名 >,detail



查看复制进程当前处理的文件和处理到的 RBA 地址

GGSCI (ORALTDB.eastmoney.com.sh) 13>   info REP_MI01   


REPLICAT     REP_MI01  Last Started   2018-12-13 15:07   Status ABENDED

Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:00:35 ago)

Log Read Checkpoint  File /u01/app/oracle/products/ogg/dirdat/pump_mi01/ p1000000012

                     2018-12-13   15:04:13.394312  RBA 18728239





logdump 工具

[ogg@ORALTDB ogg]$ ./logdump


Oracle GoldenGate Log File Dump Utility   for Oracle

Version   OGGCORE_12.


Copyright (C) 1995, 2017, Oracle and/or   its affiliates. All rights reserved.





2018-12-13 15:10:33  WARNING OGG-10173  (GLOBALS) line 1: Parsing error,   [NOUSEANSISQLQUOTES] is deprecated.


2018-12-13 15:10:33  INFO      OGG-06323  NOUSEANSISQLQUOTES is   specified. Non ANSI SQL string syntax is used for parameter.

Logdump 1 > open   /u01/app/oracle/products/ogg/dirdat/pump_mi01/p1000000012

Current LogTrail is   /u01/app/oracle/products/ogg/dirdat/pump_mi01/p1000000012

Logdump 2 > pos   18728239  --info 命令查出的 rba 地址

Reading forward from RBA 18728239

Logdump 3 >detail data

Logdump 4 >ggstoken detail

Logdump 5 >ghdr on

Logdump 6 >n


Hdr-Ind      :     E  (x45)       Partition  :     .    (x00) 

UndoFlag     :     .  (x00)       BeforeAfter:     A  (x41)   

RecLength    :    82  (x0052)     IO Time    : 2018/12/13   15:07:30.282.502  

IOType       :   170  (xaa)       OrigNode   :     1    (x01)

TransInd     :     .  (x03)       FormatType :     R    (x52)

SyskeyLen    :     0  (x00)       Incomplete :     .  (x00)

DDR/TDR Idx:   (002, 000)     AuditPos   : 34596880

Continued    :     N  (x00)       RecCount   :     1    (x01)


2018/12/13 15:07:30.282.502 Metadata             Len 82 RBA 18728239



DDR Version: 1

Database type: ORACLE

Character set ID: zhs16gbk

National character set ID: UTF-16

Locale: neutral

Case sensitivity: 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14   14 14 14 14 11 14 14 14

TimeZone: GMT

Global name: QUALITY



注意 TransInd :

(x00) 事务开始

(x01) 事务中

(x02) 事务最后

(x03) 单条事务



Logdump 9 > sfet

End of Transaction found at RBA 49635302


Hdr-Ind      :     E  (x45)       Partition  :     .    (x0c) 

UndoFlag     :     .  (x00)       BeforeAfter:     B  (x42)   

RecLength    :   259  (x0103)     IO Time    : 2018/12/13   15:07:26.016.944  

IOType       :     3  (x03)       OrigNode   :   255    (xff)

TransInd     :     .  (x02)       FormatType :     R  (x52)

SyskeyLen    :     0  (x00)       Incomplete :     .  (x00)

AuditRBA     :        942       AuditPos   : 98381560

Continued    :     N  (x00)       RecCount   :     1    (x01)


2018/12/13 15:07:26.016.944 Delete               Len   259 RBA 49635302

Name: MING.T4  (TDR Index: 2)

Before Image:                                               Partition 12   G  e  

 0000 0007 0000 0003 5359 5300 0100 2200 0000   1e2f | ........SYS..."..../ 

 3837 3638 6634 3335 5f54 6578 7446 6965 6c64   4163 | 8768f435_TextFieldAc 

 6365 7373 6962 6c65 4100 0200 04ff ff00 0000   0300 | cessibleA........... 

 0900 0000 0533 3732 3932 0004 0004 ffff 0000   0005 | .....37292.......... 

 000e 0000 000a 4a41 5641 2043 4c41 5353 0006   0015 | ......JAVA CLASS.... 

 0000 3230 3134 2d30 372d 3037 3a30 363a 3036   3a34 | ..2014-07-07:06:06:4 

 3200 0700 1500 0032 3031 372d 3131 2d30 373a   3136 | 2......2017-11-07:16 

Column       0 (x0000), Len     7   (x0007) 

 0000 0003 5359 53                                 | ....SYS 

Column       1 (x0001), Len    34   (x0022) 

 0000 001e 2f38 3736 3866 3433 355f 5465 7874   4669 | ..../8768f435_TextFi 

 656c 6441 6363 6573 7369 626c 6541                | eldAccessibleA 

Column       2 (x0002), Len     4   (x0004) 

 ffff   0000                                           | .... 

Column       3 (x0003), Len     9   (x0009) 

 0000 0005 3337 3239 32                            | ....37292 

Column       4 (x0004), Len     4   (x0004) 

 ffff 0000                                         | ....   

Column       5 (x0005), Len    14   (x000e) 

 0000 000a 4a41 5641 2043 4c41 5353                | ....JAVA CLASS 

Column       6 (x0006), Len    21   (x0015) 

 0000 3230 3134 2d30 372d 3037 3a30 363a 3036   3a34 | ..2014-07-07:06:06:4 

 32                                                  | 2 

Column       7 (x0007), Len    21   (x0015) 

 0000 3230 3137 2d31 312d 3037 3a31 363a 3433   3a32 | ..2017-11-07:16:43:2 

 32                                                  | 2 

Column       8 (x0008), Len    23   (x0017) 

 0000 0013 3230 3134 2d30 372d 3037 3a30 363a   3036 | ....2014-07-07:06:06 

 3a34 32                                           |   :42 

Column       9 (x0009), Len     9   (x0009) 

 0000 0005 5641 4c49 44                            | ....VALID 

Column      10 (x000a), Len     5   (x0005) 

 0000 0001 4e                                      |   ....N 

Column      11 (x000b), Len     5   (x0005) 

 0000 0001 4e                                      |   ....N 

Column      12 (x000c), Len     5   (x0005) 

 0000 0001 4e                                      |   ....N 

Column      13 (x000d), Len     5   (x0005) 

 0000 0001 31                                      |   ....1 

Column      14 (x000e), Len     4   (x0004) 

 ffff 0000                                         | .... 

Column      15 (x000f), Len     8   (x0008) 

 0000 0004 4e4f 4e45                               |   ....NONE 

Column      16 (x0010), Len     4   (x0004) 

 ffff 0000                                         |   .... 

Column      17 (x0011), Len     5   (x0005) 

 0000 0001 59                                      |   ....Y 


GGS tokens:

TokenID x52 'R' ORAROWID         Info x00  Length     20

 4141 4169 3049 4141 4a41 4141 4833 2f41 4139   0001 | AAAi0IAAJAAAH3/AA9.. 



看到 TransInd   :     .  (x02)


下一个事务或者 DDL :

Logdump 18 >n


Hdr-Ind      :     E  (x45)       Partition  :     .    (x00) 

UndoFlag     :     .  (x00)       BeforeAfter:     A  (x41)   

RecLength    :   260  (x0104)     IO Time    : 2018/12/13 15:24:48.500.917  

IOType       :   170  (xaa)       OrigNode   :     2    (x02)

TransInd     :     .  (x03)       FormatType :     R  (x52)

SyskeyLen    :     0  (x00)       Incomplete :     .  (x00)

DDR/TDR Idx:   (002, 003)     AuditPos   : 564872

Continued    :     N  (x00)       RecCount   :     1    (x01)


2018/12/13 15:24:48.500.917 Metadata             Len 260   RBA 49635641



 1)Name          2)Data Type        3)External Length  4)Fetch Offset      5)Scale         6)Level

 7)Null          8)Bump if Odd      9)Internal Length 10)Binary Length    11)Table Length 12)Most Sig DT

13)Least Sig DT 14)High Precision  15)Low Precision   16)Elementary Item  17)Occurs       18)Key Column

19)Sub DataType 20)Native DataType   21)Character Set   22)Character Length   23)LOB Type     24)Partial Type


TDR version: 1

Definition for table MING.TEST1

Record Length: 134

Columns: 3

A          64     50        0    0  0 1 0     50       50     50 0 0 0 0 1    0 1     2    2       -1        0 0 0

EUTIME    192     19       56    0  0 1 0     19       19     19 0 5 0 0 1    0 0     0   12       -1        0 0 0

B          64     50       78    0  0 1 0     50       50     50 0 0 0 0 1    0 0     2    2       -1        0 0 0

End of definition




可以看到当前 TransInd 是 (x03) ,说明上个事务结束后,新事务是一个单条事务,这个事务的 RBA 就是我们在寻找的 extrba 的值

当前打开的是 /u01/app/oracle/products/ogg/dirdat/pump_mi01/p1000000012 ,所以 extseqno 是 12


GGSCI (ORALTDB.eastmoney.com.sh) 2> alter replicat rep_mi01,extseqno 12,extrba 49635641


2018-12-13 15:31:45  INFO      OGG-06594  Replicat REP_MI01 has   been altered through GGSCI. Even the start up position might be updated,   duplicate suppression remains active in next startup. To override duplicate   suppression, start REP_MI01 with NOFILTERDUPTRANSACTIONS option.


REPLICAT altered.


GGSCI (ORALTDB.eastmoney.com.sh) 3>   info all


Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt


MANAGER     RUNNING                                          

REPLICAT    STOPPED     REP_MI01    00:00:00      00:00:10   



GGSCI (ORALTDB.eastmoney.com.sh) 4>   start REP_MI01


Sending START request to MANAGER ...

REPLICAT REP_MI01 starting



GGSCI (ORALTDB.eastmoney.com.sh) 5>   info all


Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt


MANAGER     RUNNING                                          

REPLICAT    RUNNING     REP_MI01    00:00:00      00:00:18 



